Macadamia Service Management
Frequently Asked Questions for wholesale trading
What do I need before I can export Macadamias?
All sellers will undergo a vetting process which is part of their sign up process.
Seller registration involves these easy steps:
- Sign Up: Register on the MSM platform.
- Complete Required Information: Fill in all necessary details and provide the documents required.
- Validation: Our team validates your information and documents.
- Receive Unique Seller Number: Once validated, you’ll receive a unique seller number.
- Go Nuts: Start uploading your macadamias to trade, or look at some of the offers uploaded by our verified buyers.
All buyers will undergo a vetting process which is part of their sign up process.
Buyer registration consists of these straightforward steps:
- Sign Up: Register on the MSM platform.
- Complete Required Information: Provide the required information and documents required.
- Validation: Our team validates your information and documents.
- Receive Unique Buyer Number: Upon successful validation, you’ll get a unique buyer number.
- Go Nuts: Browse through our list of macadamias on offer, or upload your own order for our verified sellers to see.
Offers and orders are the two types of listings on the Macadamia Sales Market.
An offer is a product listed for sale by a seller.
Verified buyers can bid on offers or accept them as listed to purchase them.
All documentation relating to the consignment on offer is verified by MSM.
An order is a product requirement listed by a buyer.
Sellers can bid on orders or accept them as listed to sell their matching product.
Product listings include an offer/order number, and identities are revealed during the contract phase.
You can filter offers/orders based on various criteria such as harvest season, price range, and more.
Here are the steps to list your product for sale:
- Register as a Seller: Sign up as a seller and get verified.
- Review Market Trends: Check trade aggregates to understand market trends.
- Complete Product Information: Fill in the necessary product details.
- Upload Safety Information: Include required product safety information.
- Unique Offer Number: Your product is listed with a unique offer number for all the verified buyers to see and respond.
Here are the steps to list your product requirement to receive quotes from sellers:
- Register as a Buyer: Sign up as a buyer and get verified.
- Review Market Trends: Check trade aggregates to understand market trends.
- Complete Order Information: Provide the required product order details.
- Unique Order Number: Your order is listed with a unique order number for all the verified sellers to see and respond.
Here are the steps to conclude a contract:
- Accept a Listing: You can choose to accept a listing as is and grab it before someone else takes it, or you can make a bid for a lower/higher price.
- Review Bids: View any price bids made on your listing (you’ll receive an email alert for bids made). Accept the bid or enter a counter price bid (the person who made the bid will receive an email alert for your counter bid).
- Accept the Bid/Counter Bid: When agreed, accept the bid/counter bid.
- The contract is automatically generated and considered binding. Provisions are made for cancellation of the contract, but only within the allotted time and valid reasons as discussed in the terms and conditions.
A seller portal is your personal profile where you manage your offers, orders, and contracts. You can access:
- All your listed offers.
- Details of concluded transactions.
- Uploaded documentation securely stored in the cloud.
- Sales aggregates and averages, categorised by region, customer, style, grade, and more.
- Sales inventory, including unsold products and those with pending orders.
A buyer portal is your personal profile for managing offers, orders, and contracts. In your portal, you can access:
- All your orders.
- Details of concluded transactions.
- Uploaded documents securely stored in the cloud.
- Sales aggregates and averages, categorised by region, customer, style, grade, and more.
- Pending offers.